“The purpose of Man’s life is to become an abject zombie who serves a purpose he does not know, for reasons he is not to question.”
                                                       - Ayn Rand


  1. I think that DELIBERATELY taking a statement out of context to make it say the OPPOSITE of what it intended is a heinous injustice, no matter WHO does it or for what purpose. It merely confirms the weakness of the case of the one who indulges in it and his/her smallness of spirit. For one to commit such an offense in the name of TRUTH is laughable and ludicrous !!

    Rather than this quote being a reflection of what Ayn Rand DID, in fact think and believe, she was attributing such mentality to those two groups that she was opposing as enemies of here philosophy !!

    Read the FULL context HERE: [ http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/mystics_of_spirit_and_of_muscle.html ].

  2. I never said that she agreed with the sentiment in her quote.
